W.Y.L.D.E. – which stands for Words Youth Love Dust Echoes – is the newcomer french label of Clarissa Acario. The 33-year old fashion designer lives and works in Paris, and produces sustainable fashion, made 100% out of recycled materials.
Designing fashion on a ethical basis, which respects the work of every employee and is produced on a minimum of ecological damage, is W.Y.L.D.E’s core. Every fabric, even the buttons are recycled out of existing cloths, plastic or paper. And Clarissa Acario is also upcycling vintage fashion.
Her fabrication is five times less harmful to the environment than conventional fashion production.
Besides all the ecological background, the design is really worth to be seen and worn.
© all images W.Y.L.D.E
W.Y.L.D.E proofs once more that fashion and sustainability are two things that can go together so well.
Shop the collection online or at following concept stores:
Front de Mode – 42, rue Volta – 75003
Antidote – 2613 NW 2nd Avenue – Miami Fl 33127
Studio 183 – Galerie 1. Floor 1 – Budapester Straße 38-51 – 10787 Berlin